
v rámci programu Erasmus+ sa v stredu 27.4.2022 v knižnici Katedry analytickej chémie (CH2-331) o 10:00 hod. uskutoční prednáška:
The X-ray diffraction and thermal analysis of drugs and dietary supplements
od autorov:
Izabela Jendrzejewska, Ewa Pietrasik
University of Silesia, Faculty of Science and Technology, Katowice, Poland
Mass counterfeiting of pharmaceutical products has become the plague of the 21st century. WHO (World Health Organization) and FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) experts estimate that the most frequently forged medicinal drugs include: erectile dysfunction drugs, generic antibiotics, analgesics, antiasthmatic and antiallergic drugs, antimycobacterial drugs, as well as dietary supplements. The counterfeiters are also interested in popular medicines, such as aspirin or acetaminophen. Crystalline substances in the solid state constitute the majority of drugs, so commonly used techniques may be applied for this, such as X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis, infrared spectroscopy or various types of microscopy. A combination of two or more investigation methods allows for broadening the scope of the studied properties and confirming the authenticity and composition of the examined drug.
During the lecture, we will present the results of our investigations devoted to analysing selected drugs and dietary supplements using X-ray diffraction and thermal analysis. The obtained results may also be helpful as an indication for stability tests of various pharmaceutical products and can detect inconsistencies in the compositions of drugs.
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Katedra analytickej chémie Prírodovedecká fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave
Ilkovičova č.6 842 15 Bratislava 4 Slovenská republika