Ing. Roman Szűcs, PhD., FRSC



Office: CH2-325

Laboratory: CH2-351


  • 1990-1994: doctoral studies in Organic Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium
  • 1985-1990: engineering studies in Technical Physical and Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, Slovakia

Work experience

  • 2019-present: assistant professor, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava
  • 1997-present: researcher in separation methods and computational chemistry, Pfizer Global R&D, Sandwich, UK
  • 1995-1997 postdoctoral researcher, Unilever Research Laboratory, Vlaardingen, The Netherlands
  • 1994-1995: researcher, University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium

Research field

  • Liquid chromatography
  • Electroseparation techniques
  • Microchip electrophoresis
  • Computational methods in chromatography



  • VEGA 1/0116/22: Integration of new miniaturized analytical systems to the pretreatment, analysis and preparation of complex biological, environmental and pharmaceutical samples, 2022-2024, co-investigator
  • APVV-17-0318: Application possibilities of new orthogonal miniaturized and microseparation analytical systems for fast monitoring of biological, environmental and forensic samples, 2018-2022, co-investigator
  • VEGA 1/0787/18: Development of new techniques for pretreatment of biomedical and environmental samples for advanced combined analytical methods, 2018-2020, co-investigator
  • LP120200700: Rapid method development in pharmaceutical analysis using quality by design principles, Australian Research Council Linkage Grant, 2013-2018, co-investigator
  • LP0884030: Rapid method development in pharmaceutical analysis using quality by design principles, Australian Research Council Linkage Grant, 2008-2013, co-investigator


  • lectures and seminars for 1st and 2nd degree university students
  • supervisor and opponent of diploma theses of 1st and 2nd degree university students and rigorous theses
  • supervisor - specialist of 3rd degree university students

Other activities

  • Membership in societies and editorial boards:
    The Chromatographic Society - Executive Committee member
    Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
    Bioanalysis - member of the International Editorial Advisory Panel
  • Mobilities/internships:
    University of Ghent, Belgium
    Dublin City University, Ireland
    University of Tasmania, Australia