- Perkin Elmer 1100 B Flame Atomizer Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (FAAS),
- Perkin Elmer 2100 Flame Atomizer Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (FAAS),
- Perkin Elmer 2100 atomic absorption spectrometer with a FIAS-200 flow injection system in conjunction with an AS-90 automatic sample feeder,
- Perkin Elmer 1100 B atomic absorption spectrometer with electrothermal atomizer HGA 700 (ETAAS) and with the possibility of dispensing fine suspension USS-100 "Slurry Sampling" (SS-ETAAS),
- Mass spectrometer (Varian 820-MS) with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS),
- Infrared spectrometer with Fourier transform (FTIR) from BOMEM Hartmann & Braun and an analytical microscope (IR-Plan) from SPECTRA-TECH,
- Microwave disassembly system MDS 200 from CEM,
- UV/VIS spectrophotometer from Hitachi, U-2001,
- Zetasizer dispersion analyzer (Nano series) for the characterization of dispersion systems.
Laboratory of Optic Methods
Research focus of the laboratory
• Determination of heavy metals in environmental (water, soil, sediments, sludge) and biological samples (plants, food, body fluids),
• Determination of hydride-forming elements (As, Sb, Se, Bi, Sn) in various environmental, plant and biological samples,
• Speciation of ecotoxicologically important elements in waters, soils and sludges.• Determination of bioaccessible forms of elements in soils and sludges,
• Determination of toxic and potentially toxic elements in various environmental samples using the dosing of a fine suspension directly into the electrothermal atomizer "Slurry Sampling ETAAS",
• Concentration and speciation of elements from water samples using extraction techniques - "Cloud Point Extraction (CPE) and Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)",
• Use of biological substrates (microscopic fungi) for bioremediation of contaminated environmental components (water, soil).
Vedúci laboratória
doc. RNDr. Radoslav Halko, PhD. (radoslav.halko@uniba.sk)
Pracovníci laboratória
doc. RNDr. Radoslav Halko, PhD. (radoslav.halko@uniba.sk)
RNDr. Katarína Chovancová, PhD. (kriegerova2@uniba.sk)
doc. PharmDr. Jiří Kos, Ph.D. (jiri.kos@uniba.sk)
Doktorandi pracujúci v laboratóriu
Mgr. Nicolas Milan Michalides (nicolas.michalides@uniba.sk)
Mgr. Denis Pavelek (pavelek7@uniba.sk)