Mgr. Jasna Hradski, PhD.

Office: CH2-323
Laboratory: CH2-351
Phone: +421 2 9014 9379
- 2013-2017: doctoral studies in Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava
- 2011-2013: master studies in Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava
Work experience
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Analytical Chemistry
- 2017-present: assistant professor
Research field
- Electroseparation techniques
- Microchip electrophoresis
- Combined analytical techniques
- Analysis of complex ionic and ionogenic samples
- ORCID: 0000-0002-6573-2267
- Scopus Author ID: 55991538600
- h-index: 4 (Web of Science Core Collection; 01/2022)
- Publications (
- Citations: 25 without self-citations (Web of Science Core Collection; 01/2022)
- VEGA 1/0116/22: Integration of new miniaturized analytical systems to the pretreatment, analysis and preparation of complex biological, environmental and pharmaceutical samples, 2022-2024, co-investigator
- KEGA: 069UK-4/2019: Interactive learning of analytical detection and identification methods, 2019-2021, co-investigator
- VEGA 1/0787/18: Development of new techniques for pretreatment of biomedical and environmental samples for advanced combined analytical methods, 2018-2020, co-investigator
- APVV-17-0318: Application possibilities of new orthogonal miniaturized and microseparation analytical systems for fast monitoring of biological, environmental and forensic samples, 2018-2022, co-investigator
- APVV SK-KR-18-0013: Chromatographic and electrophoretic pretreatment of samples for electrophoretic and / or liquid chromatographic analysis of complex samples, 2018-2019, co-investigator
- UK/317/2017: Determination of homocysteine in biological samples by microchip electrophoresis, 2017, principal investigator
- VEGA 1/0340/15: Development of new and original couplings of microchip electrophoresis with non-traditional spectral detection techniques, 2015-2017, co-investigator
- UK/205/2016: Determination of amino acids in liquid samples by ion mobility spectrometry with microchip electrophoresis, 2016, principal investigator
- UK/141/2015: Study of the possibility of coupling ion mobility spectrometry with microchip electrophoresis for the analysis of ionogenic substances in liquids, 2015, principal investigator
- UK/87/2014: Fast determination of cations and anions on an electrophoretic microchip in biological samples, 2014, principal investigator
- APVV-0259-12: Multidimensional miniaturized separation methods combined with ion mobility spectrometry for environmental and biomedical analysis, 2013-2017, co-investigator
- seminars and practicals for 1st and 2nd degree university students
- supervisor and opponent of diploma theses of 1st and 2nd degree university students
Other activities
- Mobilities/internships
Charles University, Czechia
University of Graz, Austria
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Seoul National University, Korea