prof. RNDr. Marián Masár, PhD.

Office: CH2-321
Laboratory: CH2-351
Phone: +421 2 9014 9321
- 2010: habilitation procedure in Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Comenius University in Bratislava
- 1994-2000: doctoral studies in Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Comenius University in Bratislava
- 1989-1994: Master's degree in Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Comenius University in Bratislava
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Analytical Chemistry
- 2021-present: head of the department, position professor
- 2011-2021: deputy head of the department, position associate professor
- 2001-2010: assistant professor
- 1997-2001: researcher
Scientific focus
- Combined analytical techniques
- Miniaturized analytical systems
- Electroseparation techniques
- Microchip electrophoresis
- Analysis of complex ionic and ionogenic samples
- Bioanalysis
- ORCID: 0000-0002-9287-1764
- Scopus Author ID: 6701696321
- ResearcherID: L-8150-2016
- h-index: 23 (Web of Science Core Collection; 01/2021)
- Link to publications
Reviewed publications: 57
Reviewed full - text conference papers: 66
Invited lectures: 25
Conference abstracts: 112
Patents, industrial designs and prototypes: 5
Monographs and textbooks: 7 of which 4 chapters
- Citations: 1253 without self-citations (Web of Science Core Collection; 01/2021)
- VEGA 1/0116/22: Integration of new miniaturized analytical systems into pretreatment, analysis and preparation of complex biological, environmental and pharmaceutical samples, 2022-2024, principal investigator
- APVV-17-0318 : Application possibilities of new orthogonal miniaturized and microseparation analytical systems for rapid monitoring of biological, environmental and forensic samples, 2018-2022, responsible researcher
- APVV-0259-12 : Multidimensional miniaturized separation methods combined with ion mobility spectrometry for environmental and biomedical analysis , 2013-2017, principal investigator
- VEGA 1/0787/18: Development of new techniques for the treatment of biomedical and environmental samples for advanced combined analytical methods, 2018-2020, principal investigator
- VEGA 1/0340/15: Development of new and original connections of microchip electrophoresis with non-traditional spectral detection techniques, principal investigator
- KEGA 087UK-4/2016 : Interactive teaching of analytical and preparative separation methods, co-investigator
- KEGA 069UK-4/2019 : Interactive teaching of analytical detection and identification methods, co-investigator
- APVV SK-KR-18-0013: Chromatographic and electrophoretic sample pretreatments for electrophoretic and / or liquid chromatographic analysis of complex samples, 2018-2019, co-researcher
- VEGA 1/1149/12: Increasing the analytical performance of miniaturized electroseparation systems for the analysis of complex environmental and biomedical samples, 2012-2014, principal investigator
- OPVaV ERFD, ITMS project code: 26240220034: Industrial research of new drugs based on recombinant proteins, 2010-2013, co-researcher
- APVV 0583-11: Development of new combined methods of chemical analysis of trace concentrations of ionic and ionogenic substances in complex environmental and biological samples, 2012-2015, co-researcher
- APVV VVCE 0070/07: Establishment of a center of excellence for (bio) separation methods based on the principles of electroseparations, liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, 2008-2011, co-researcher
- OPVaV-2008 / 4.1 / 01-SORO, ITMS project code: 26240120001: Center of Excellence in Green Chemistry Methods and Processes, 2009-2011, co-researcher
- OPVaV-2009 / 4.1 / 02-SORO, ITMS project code: 26240120025: Completion of the Center of Excellence in Green Chemistry Methods and Processes (CEGreenII), 2007-2013, co-researcher
- VEGA 1/0672/09: Miniaturized electroseparation systems based on column coupling technology and their binding with sample pretreatment on extraction and dialysis membranes, 2009-2011, principal investigator
- VEGA 1/3562/06: Miniaturized integrated analytical systems for (ultra) trace analysis based on electroseparations on a chip with connected columns, 2006-2008, principal investigator
- VEGA 1/3558/06: Combinations of capillary electrophoresis techniques for multidimensional separations of multicomponent mixtures of low- and high-molecular substances, 2006-2008, co-investigator
- VEGA 1/0087/03: Miniaturized electroseparation techniques for trace analysis of ionic substances and biopolymers present in complex matrices of ionic character, 2003/2005, co-researcher
- UK / 265/2005: Two-dimensional on-chip electroseparations for trace analysis of ionic substances in ionic, 2005, principal investigator
- VEGA 1/7247/20: Capillary electroseparation techniques for trace and ultratrace analysis of ionic substances present in complex environmental and biological matrices, 2000-2002, co-researcher
- UK / 3838/98: Quantitative aspects of capillary zone electrophoresis of anionic components in samples containing low concentrations of amines, 1998, principal investigator
- lectures, seminars and experimental exercises for the students of the 1st and 2nd degree of university study
- supervisor and opponent of > 30 diploma theses of the students of the 1st and 2nd degree of university studies and rigorous theses
- supervisor of the students of the 3rd degree of university studies
Other activities
- Membership in societies and editorial boards
member of Slovak Chemical Society
editor of Separations, Analytical Science & Technology - Mobility/fellowship
Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
TEMPUS - Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
CEEPUS - Karl-Franzens University of Graz, Austria
CEEPUS - “Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj, Romania
ERASMUS - University of Debrecen, Hungary
National Seoul University, Seoul, Korea
- Elektroanalytická chémia